Looking Back and to the Future

In our 11 years in Roatán, we have seen conditions change rapidly.   A population explosion has created a higher cost of living and housing shortage, an underfunded education system, and incredible decay of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. The Abundant Life Foundation is responding to these changes with our Three Pillars of work: Community Development, Education, and Conservation.

Our Community Development pillar is focused on housing and micro-businesses.  Our flagship project is “Los Sueños”, our affordable housing project.  Hand-in-hand with our new homeowners, we are building not just homes, but a community. With Los Sueños 1 currently underway, we are already looking for the island location of Los Sueños 2.  Our project with the artisans of St. Helene provides income to women and their families through the making of upcycled handbags. We continue developing partnerships to expand our entrepreneurship projects and create sustainable income for locals.

We are working to improve the under-resourced education system on Roatán. We have built 2 schools, help with school supplies, backpacks and uniforms, and provide scholarships for outstanding students. Our future Education plans include the building of more schools, an increase in the number of scholarships, and greater support to students.  We are creating partnerships with organizations to better prepare students for higher education, and support them with scholarships.  We are working with the Grand Roatán Resort to bring much needed books and school supplies to the island. 

The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef is the gem of the Bay Islands.  We have held reef clean-up events, and are sharing a “Top 10” list with locals and tourists of how to protect the reef.  We are building partnerships with experienced organizations to invest in the preservation and restoration of the reef, as well as educating locals and tourists about best practices to stop the decay. 

The Abundant Life Foundation is poised to accomplish great work over the upcoming years.  Join us in creating a vibrant future for the people and environment of Roatán by donating. All administrative expenses are privately funded; 100% of your donation goes to our projects.  

With heartfelt thanks, and our eyes on the future,

David and Brenda Dachner

October 2017